My name is Tiffany, and my 8 year old son’s name is Mason. Mason wasn’t ever diagnosed with Autism, but school psychologists suggested that he may be on the spectrum. He had a speech delay and still had had speech and language issues and gross motor skill issues since he was small. We started the theta treatment when he was 7 ½ years old. His writing had been a struggle and he still couldn’t tie his shoes at the time. He also talked in a super high voice. Within a week of starting the theta treatment, he wrote a full paragraph for the first time and learned to tie his shoe. After that, I noticed that Mason was much calmer and had a deeper voice then he previously had had. Overall we are happy with the treatment and think it gave him a boost. His focus is better and he continues to grow and mature. We are very thankful for this treatment option and thankful for the Country Health Clinic!


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